The Various Types Of ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners Explained


The Various Types Of ARK Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners Explained

ARK: Survival Evolved, the action-packed survival game that took the gaming world by storm in 2017, has captivated players with its rich, prehistoric world. But have you ever stopped to consider the intricate visual language that guides you through this perilous adventure? 

Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind ARK’s game icons and banners, exploring how these graphical elements enhance the survival experience and bring the game’s world to life.

What are ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners?

At their core, ARK: Survival Evolved’s icons and banners are more than just pretty pictures – they’re the visual building blocks that shape your interaction with the game. These carefully crafted symbols serve as a universal language, transcending text to convey crucial information at a glance. Since the game’s release in 2017, these visual cues have evolved, becoming an integral part of ARK’s identity and player experience.

The importance of these visual elements can’t be overstated. In a fast-paced survival game where every second counts, clear and intuitive icons can mean the difference between life and death. They allow players to quickly identify resources, assess threats, and make split-second decisions without having to pause and read text descriptions.

ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons

Game icons in ARK are your constant companions, silently guiding you through the challenges of survival. They represent everything from the tiniest berry to the mightiest dinosaur, each with its own unique design. Let’s break down the main categories:

Item Icons

Item icons in ARK are a treasure trove of visual information. They not only show what an item is but often hint at its rarity or power. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Common items: Usually simple designs with muted colors
  • Rare items: More intricate designs with brighter hues
  • Legendary items: Complex, eye-catching designs often with a glow effect

For example, a simple stone tool might have a basic grey icon, while a high-tech tek rifle could sport a sleek, glowing blue design.

But the cleverness of ARK’s item icons goes beyond just rarity indicators. The designers have incorporated subtle visual cues that help players quickly understand an item’s function or origin:

  • Crafted items: Often show signs of tool marks or construction
  • Natural resources: Typically depicted in their raw, unprocessed state
  • Tech items: Usually have a sleek, futuristic appearance

This attention to detail helps players quickly sort through their inventories and make informed decisions about what to keep, use, or discard.

Creature Icons

Creature icons are the face of ARK’s diverse ecosystem. These icons do more than just identify – they give you a snapshot of the creature’s nature and abilities.

  • Herbivores: Often have softer, rounded designs
  • Carnivores: Typically feature sharp angles and aggressive poses
  • Flying creatures: Usually depicted with spread wings
  • Aquatic creatures: Often shown with fins or surrounded by water effects

The artistry in ARK’s creature icons is particularly noteworthy. Each icon is a miniature portrait, capturing the essence of the creature in just a few pixels. The Tyrannosaurus Rex icon, for instance, manages to convey both the dinosaur’s ferocity and its distinctive profile, making it instantly recognizable even at a small size.

Table: Creature Icon Categories in ARK: Survival Evolved

LandTerrestrial creatures, often shown in profileT-Rex, Raptor, Mammoth
AirFlying creatures with spread wingsPteranodon, Argentavis, Wyvern
SeaAquatic creatures with fins or bubblesMegalodon, Mosasaurus, Ichthyosaurus
BossLarger, more detailed icons with unique framesDragon, Megapithecus, Overseer

This categorization helps players quickly assess the type of creature they’re dealing with, which is crucial in a game where knowing your environment can mean the difference between survival and becoming dino dinner.

Structure Icons

Structure icons in ARK: Survival Evolved represent the building blocks of your base. They’re designed to be easily recognizable, even when scrolling through a long list of buildable items.

  • Foundations and walls: Simple, geometric designs
  • Crafting stations: More detailed icons that hint at their function
  • Advanced structures: Complex designs often incorporating tech elements

The evolution of structure icons in ARK since 2017 is a testament to the game’s growth. As new building options were added, the icons had to evolve to clearly differentiate between similar structures while maintaining a cohesive visual style.

“Our goal with structure icons is to give players a clear idea of what they’re building before they place it. It’s about making the building process as intuitive as possible.” – ARK Development Team

Effect Icons

Effect icons are your health dashboard, alerting you to various status conditions:

  • Positive effects: Often green or blue, with upward arrows or plus signs
  • Negative effects: Usually red or purple, with downward arrows or danger symbols
  • Neutral effects: Typically yellow or white, with informational symbols

These icons play a crucial role in player survival, providing at-a-glance information about your character’s current state. Are you poisoned? Overheating? Well-fed? A quick look at your effect icons will tell you everything you need to know.

Menu Icons

Menu icons in ARK serve as your navigation system through the game’s interface. They’re designed to be intuitive, using universal symbols that players can quickly understand and remember.

The challenge for ARK’s designers was creating menu icons that worked across different platforms. Whether you’re playing on a PC, console, or mobile device, the menu icons needed to be clear and clickable (or tappable) at various sizes and resolutions.

ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Banners

While icons guide your moment-to-moment gameplay, banners in ARK serve a different purpose. They’re the larger, more dramatic visual elements that set the tone for your adventure.

In-game Banners

In-game banners add flavor and immersion to the ARK experience:

  • Tribe banners: Customizable flags that let you mark your territory
  • Event banners: Large, eye-catching graphics announcing special in-game events
  • Achievement banners: Celebratory graphics that pop up when you hit milestones

These banners do more than just look pretty – they’re an integral part of ARK’s community-building features. Tribe banners, for instance, allow players to create a visual identity for their group, fostering a sense of belonging and team spirit.

Promotional and Community Banners

Outside the game, ARK uses banners to engage with its community and market new content:

  • Update banners: Showcasing new creatures, items, or features
  • Community event banners: Highlighting player-run events or contests
  • Expansion pack banners: Dramatic, thematic images teasing new content

These banners serve as a bridge between the game world and the real world, keeping players engaged even when they’re not actively playing. They’re also a key part of ARK’s marketing strategy, building hype for new content and maintaining player interest.

“Our banners are like movie posters for the ARK universe. They need to capture the excitement and wonder of the game in a single image.” – ARK Art Team Member

The Artistry Behind ARK: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons Banners

The visual language of ARK isn’t just functional – it’s an art form in itself. The game’s art team pours countless hours into crafting icons and banners that are both informative and aesthetically pleasing.

Case Study: Evolution of the Rex Icon The Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of ARK’s most iconic creatures, has seen its icon evolve since 2017. The original design was more realistic, but player feedback led to a more stylized, instantly recognizable version that better conveyed the Rex’s fearsome nature.

This evolution demonstrates the iterative nature of game design and the importance of player feedback in shaping a game’s visual language. It’s a testament to the ARK community’s involvement in the game’s development.

The Impact of Visual Design on Gameplay

The thoughtful design of ARK’s icons and banners goes beyond mere aesthetics – it has a tangible impact on gameplay. Here’s how:

  1. Reduced cognitive load: Well-designed icons allow players to process information quickly, reducing mental fatigue during long play sessions.
  2. Improved decision-making: Clear visual cues help players make faster, more informed choices in high-pressure situations.
  3. Enhanced immersion: Cohesive visual design helps players feel more connected to the game world.
  4. Accessibility: Intuitive icons can make the game more accessible to players who may struggle with text-based information.

The Future of ARK’s Visual Language

As ARK: Survival Evolved continues to grow and evolve, so too will its visual language. The game’s designers face the ongoing challenge of introducing new icons and banners that fit seamlessly into the existing visual ecosystem while conveying new information.

Some potential future developments could include:

  • Animated icons: Adding subtle movements to convey more information
  • Customizable UI: Allowing players to choose between different icon styles
  • AR integration: Using augmented reality to bring ARK’s icons and banners into the real world


From the tiniest resource icon to the grandest promotional banner, the visual elements of ARK: Survival Evolved form a rich, complex language that enhances every aspect of the game. Since its 2017 release, this visual vocabulary has grown and evolved, becoming an integral part of the ARK community’s shared experience.

The icons and banners of ARK: Survival Evolved are more than just pretty pictures – they’re the silent storytellers of your prehistoric adventure. They guide you, warn you, celebrate your achievements, and help you navigate the complex world of ARK. They’re a testament to the power of visual design in gaming, and a crucial part of what makes ARK such a compelling experience.

As we look to the future, one thing is clear: the icons and banners of ARK will continue to evolve, telling new stories and guiding survivors through whatever prehistoric perils await. So the next time you’re crafting, taming, or exploring in ARK, take a moment to appreciate the silent storytellers that are the game’s icons and banners.

What’s your favorite ARK icon or banner? How has the game’s visual language impacted your survival journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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