How To Make Your Loved One’s Care Home Room More Welcoming


How To Make Your Loved One's Care Home Room More Welcoming

Personalizing a loved one’s care home room can make a significant difference in their comfort and well-being. Incorporating familiar items like cherished photographs, comfortable furniture, and favorite bedding can create a sense of familiarity and home.

Involving them in the decorating process and accommodating their preferences can promote independence and control over their living environment. With thoughtful touches and attention to detail, you can transform their room into a welcoming and comforting space.

6 Ways to Make Care Home Rooms Feel Like Home | Lottie

Personalize the Space with Photos and Keepsakes

Surrounding your loved one with cherished photographs, artwork, and mementos can evoke fond memories and provide a sense of familiarity. These personal touches can serve as conversation starters and help them feel more at ease in their new surroundings.

Add Comfortable and Familiar Furniture

If possible, incorporate pieces of furniture from their previous home, such as a favorite armchair, recliner, or side table. Familiar items can help create a sense of continuity and comfort, making the room feel more like an extension of their former living space.

Incorporate Favorite Colors and Themes

Consider your loved one’s preferred color palette and decorative themes when selecting items for their room. This can help create a space that reflects their personality and taste, making it feel more inviting and personal.

Use Soft Lighting

Use Soft Lighting

Harsh, institutional lighting can be overwhelming and uninviting. Opt for softer, warmer lighting options, such as lamps or dimmable bulbs, to create a cozier ambiance and help minimize eye strain.

Bring in Personal Bedding and Cushions

Replace institutional bedding and pillows with your loved one’s favorite blankets, quilts, and pillowcases from home. These familiar textures and patterns can provide a comforting touch and make the room feel more like their own.

Display Artwork and Crafts

Showcase your loved one’s artwork, handmade crafts, or favorite pieces from their collection. These personal touches can spark conversations, evoke pleasant memories, and add a sense of pride and accomplishment to their surroundings.

Create a Reading Nook

If your loved one enjoys reading, designate a cozy corner with a comfortable chair and good lighting for them to indulge in their favorite books or magazines. This familiar activity can provide a sense of normalcy and relaxation.

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Provide Entertainment Options

Consider bringing in a radio, television, or music player preloaded with their preferred stations, shows, or playlists. Familiar entertainment can help them feel more at ease and engaged in their new environment.

Introduce Plants and Flowers

Encourage Visits from Family and Friends

Adding live plants or fresh flowers can bring a touch of nature and vibrancy to the room. Not only do they add visual interest, but they can also improve air quality and provide a calming presence.

Ensure Easy Access to Personal Items

Place frequently used items, such as eyeglasses, remotes, or favorite snacks, within easy reach to promote independence and familiarity.

Maintain a Connection with Technology

If your loved one is comfortable with technology, consider setting up a tablet, computer, or video calling system to help them stay connected with family and friends.

Encourage Visits from Family and Friends

Regular visits from loved ones can help your family member feel valued, loved, and connected to their personal life outside the care home. Encourage friends and family to stop by and spend quality time together.

Celebrate Holidays and Special Occasions

Decorate their room for holidays and special occasions they enjoy, such as birthdays or anniversaries. This can help maintain cherished traditions and create a sense of normalcy and joy.

Incorporate Scents that Remind Them of Home

Familiar scents, such as their favorite potpourri or a candle with a comforting fragrance, can evoke fond memories and provide a sense of familiarity in their new surroundings.

Offer Choices in Room Layout and Decor

Involve your loved one in the decision-making process as much as possible, allowing them to choose the room layout, decor, and personal items they prefer. This can help them feel more in control and invested in their living space.

Create a Calm and Quiet Environment

Minimize noise and distractions by requesting a room away from high-traffic areas or common spaces. A peaceful environment can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.


Can I bring my own furniture to the care home?
Many care homes allow residents to bring in personal furniture, but it’s essential to check with the facility’s policies and ensure that the items meet safety and space requirements.

How often should I plan to update or refresh the room decorations?
It’s generally recommended to refresh the decor and personal items periodically, such as seasonally or when new interests or preferences emerge. This can help keep the space feeling fresh and engaging for your loved one.

Are there any safety concerns I should be aware of when decorating the room?
Safety is a top priority in care homes. Avoid bringing in items with sharp edges, loose cords, or trip hazards. Additionally, ensure that any decor items or furniture are stable and secure to prevent accidents.

Can I involve my loved one in the decorating process?
Absolutely! Involving your loved one in the decorating process can be therapeutic and help them feel more in control of their living environment. Encourage their input and preferences whenever possible.

What if my loved one has specific dietary or mobility needs?
When personalizing the room, consider any special needs or accommodations your loved one may require. For example, ensure easy access to mobility aids, provide adaptive equipment if needed, and keep any dietary restrictions in mind when offering snacks or beverages.


Creating a welcoming and personalized living space in a care home can significantly impact your loved one’s well-being and quality of life.

By incorporating familiar elements, personal touches, and their favorite comforts, you can help ease the transition and provide a sense of home and familiarity. Remember, the key is to involve your loved one in the process as much as possible, respecting their preferences and fostering a sense of independence and control over their environment.

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